Category: Training

  • Rolling 200s Workout

    Rolling 200s Workout

    Extending Training Time at Goal Race Pace: A Case Study To increase my athletes’ training time at their goal race pace, I’ve adopted a method inspired by Mahaly Igloi: consecutive high-intensity intervals with active recovery. This method has proven successful for my athletes at a variety of ability levels. The Challenge of Race-Pace Training It’s…

  • Coach Joe Vigil: Cracking the Code

    Coach Joe Vigil: Cracking the Code

    This article delves deep into Dr. Vigil’s training philosophy, unveiling the principles that shaped champions and revolutionized distance running with emphasis on how his methods can be applied to high school distance programs.

  • 2-Hour Half Marathon Training Plan

    2-Hour Half Marathon Training Plan

    Do you dream of breaking 2 hours in the Half Marathon? Make it Reality by following this free training plan! It’s not official or anything, but the 2 hour mark is like the 30 minute mark in the 5K. It’s a defining number that runners love to chase. Have you been chasing the elusive sub-2 hour half…

  • Summer Running

    Summer Running

    Summer road races are lots of fun, but heat stroke is deadly serious. High temperatures and humidity increase the risk of heat-related illness or death among runners. Masters runners are especially susceptible. It’s important to practice prevention, recognize the danger signs, and be good to yourself when racing in the heat. Surprisingly, the risks of heat stroke or…

  • Warning: Running in the Heat

    Warning: Running in the Heat

    I’ve participated in two road races where a runner has died on the course. Their tragic and unexpected deaths shocked everyone. Both runners were regulars on the local racing circuit. On both days the temperatures had climbed well past 90º F during the race. Runners feel a certain degree of invincibility earned through healthy living and regular workouts. But, when…

  • Hobbs Kessler: A Unique Approach to Training

    Hobbs Kessler: A Unique Approach to Training

    Hobbs Kessler’s name should be on every coach’s radar. His recent 3:48 in the Wannamaker Mile, just two years after competing in high school, is a remarkable feat. But what truly sets him apart is his unconventional training approach challenging established norms and sparking lively discussions within the coaching community.

  • Lydiard Lacing Method

    Lydiard Lacing Method

    Coach Arthur Lydiard was revolutionary in his approach to training middle distance and distance runners. His Training Pyramid is still the model most often used by distance coaches today and greatly influenced both Jack Daniels, Joe Vigil and others. But, did you know he also perfected a way of lacing shoes to relieve pressure on…

  • Cross-Training to Maximize Running Performance

    Cross-Training to Maximize Running Performance

    Cross-training is more than just a tool for injured athletes; it amplifies training volume, aids recovery, and revitalizes an athlete’s passion for the sport.

  • The Mileage Manifesto for Distance Runners

    The Mileage Manifesto for Distance Runners

    For those entering the realm of distance running, be it on tracks, trails, or roads, the significance of mileage cannot be overstated.

  • Less is More: Avoid Overtraining

    Less is More: Avoid Overtraining

    Undertraining is the secret to limiting injuries, avoiding burnout, and keeping athletes engaged and confident all season long.